about Vrienden van het Lied

In 1961, out of love for art song, the Vrienden van het Lied (Friends of Lieder association) was founded. Originally intended as chamber music, art song flourished in the nineteenth century as never before. It inspired many composers, musicians and audiences and many still famous songs and cycles then premiered in private salons. The Vrienden van het Lied continues to build on this tradition with song recitals in intimate settings. This way, the association wishes to spread the love for art song among professional musicians, composers, amateur musicians and the public.

song recitals

Jan Willem Baljet-Jacobus den Herder-3 juli_1200x800-2

About 60 song recitals are organized in the association’s 22 regions each year, reviving the old tradition of the private salon. Private living rooms, churches or small concert halls provide a perfect ambience that matches the origins of art song. They offer listeners a chance to enjoy renowned musicians whose impressive careers often jumpstarted with the association’s recitals. The annual audition allows new talent to join the association. This way, Vrienden van het Lied offers young, promising musicians a platform to gain exposure and build repertoire.

amateur musicians

In regions where many members are active as amateur singers or pianists, the association organizes members-for-members concerts about once a year. Members from outside that area, non-members and professional singers from within the region can often also participate. The association set up song interpretation courses for advanced amateur singers and their pianists in the recent past. The Vrienden van het Lied still has the ambition to offer a broader stage to enthusiastic amateur singers.

member magazine

Members receive the semi-annual member magazine De Liedvriend, containing interviews with the association’s musicians, background stories on old and new repertoire and reviews of recent publications and recordings.

Do you have news or would you like to submit an article? Mail to liedvriend@vvhl.nl.

For information about placing advertisements and the rates, please contact Dinant Krouwel, liedvriend@vvhl.nl.

day of song

DvhL_Opening studenten_(c) Leo Samama-4

Every year the association organizes the Day of Song, which often has a central theme. For example, on the occasion of the association’s 50th anniversary in 2011, there was the Feest voor het Lied, a Hugo Wolf Day in 2013, a Johannes Brahms Day in 2014, a Mendelssohn Day in 2015 and a Day of Theatrical Song in 2016. Since 2019, these days take place in close collaboration with the Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist.

friends and more

Members can visit all recitals free of charge, while non-members pay an entrance fee.  A reduced rate applies to youngsters. As a member of the association, we call you a Friend of song.

Would you like to do more? Become our Best Friend or Patron.


Leo Samama, chairman
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Dinant Krouwel, secretary
Tel:+31 30 273 57 81
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Bram de Ronde, treasurer
Tel. +31 6 51310692
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Francine van der Heijdenmember of the board
Tel. +31 6 215 77 826

Hanneke Taatmember of the board
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Joost van der Linden, member of the board website & social media
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Heycopstraat 24
3521 EN Utrecht
The Netherlands

Cécile van de Santchairman / mezzo-soprano
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Maarten Hillenius, pianist
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Claudia Patacca, soprano
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Jan Willem Baljet, baritone
read biography (Dutch) >

Henriette Feith, soprano
read biography (Dutch) >

Sinan Vural, baritone
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Femke de Graaf, pianist
read biography (Dutch) >

Annette Ovink, chairperson/contracts
Tel. +31 (0)541 517 516
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Marie-Louise Beerling, concert programmes and lyrics
Tel. +31 (0)30 691 32 02
Tel: +31 (0)6 365 54 490
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Marja Henneman, concert programmes and lyrics
Tel. +31 (0)6 206 22 052
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Henk Gierveld, bookings
Tel. +31 (0)6 525 96 755

Dinant Krouweleditor
Tel. +31 30 – 273 57 81
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Joost van der Lindenredactie
Tel. +31 6 483 312 29
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Dick Buld
Frans Eggink
Annette Ovink
Lodewijk Meeuwsen

Elly Ameling, singer

Huub van Dael, chairman multiple music organisations

Arthur Japin, writer

Ruud van der Meer, singer

Jard van Nes, singer

Thomas Oliemans, baritone

Gabriël Oostvogel, former director Music Hall de Doelen

Christoph Prégardien, tenor

Lenneke Ruiten, soprano

Ed Spanjaard, conductor

Wilma van der Stappen
tel. 06 – 338 58 183
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Babs en Nico Witteman, +31 (0)6 44722104
Adrienne van den Bogaard en Maarten Boelsma
Contact: amsterdam@vvhl.nl

Ineke Baart, 0162 682943
Léonie Korff, 076 5328373 / 06 23637387
Contact: breda@vvhl.nl

Liesbeth Reijerkerk, +31 (0)6 42474509
contact: denhaag@vvhl.nl

Marleen Abbringh-Polee, +31 (0)40 2832943
Contact: eindhoven@vvhl.nl

Marina Besselink
Peter Wieringa
Contact: haarlem@vvhl.nl

vrienden en meer

Cécile van den Boogaard
contact: denbosch@vvhl.nl

Mette Lise Boumeester, +31 (0)71 5890417
Contact: leiden@vvhl.nl

Voor de regio Limburg zijn wij op zoek naar een nieuwe contactpersoon. Zin om deze inspirerende en motiverende functie te gaan vervullen? Neem dan snel contact met ons op: info@vvhl.nl

Bertien Keijser-Huijts, +31 (0)24 3233803
Contact: nijmegen@vvhl.nl

Marianne van den Heuvel, +31 (0)10 4837265
Liesbeth Reijerkerk, +31 (0)6 42474509
contact: rotterdam@vvhl.nl

Geessien Hutten, +31 (0)525 681171
Lucie Claessen, +31(0)6 15035561
Contact: veluwe@vvhl.nl

Addy Nieuwenhuize-Harting, +31 (0)118 625284
Contact: zeeland@vvhl.nl

Jacqueline van Rooij, +31(0)6 508 571 60
Ben van Rooij, +31(0)6 253 655 88
contact: zwolle@vvhl.nl